The day of our tour I was a little nervous... and then a bit more when I saw all the people that began to gather around our starting point. Surprisingly I relaxed once we actually got started and had a really great time talking about one of my favorite artist, René Magritte. I think the crowed really enjoyed it as quite a few of the patrons stayed after to further discuss some of the artwork and also to let us know that they really enjoyed our presentations.
An epic moment was when a patron pulled out a wooden pipe and ask Sandy to take her picture with the famous painting The Tune and Also the Words. Then she asked if she could take a picture of Sandy and I. Too bad we didn't get her information as it would be nice to have those pics.
Now that I know what to expect, I can't wait to give another adult tour!
The following Monday seemed to be a very busy morning however there was nothing really new going on. My partner Maya and I were tasked to set up the studio prior to our tour which turned out to be a bit more stressful then originally thought. We had to connect a laptop to a projector in one of the new studio classrooms in the Ryan Education Center. There was a bit of confusion as to how it is all connected and more importantly how to get it to work. So FYI to next year interns, make sure you go over how everything is set up etc. at least a day or two before your studio class.
Once we got everything organized our students arrived. They were a very lively bunch ranging from ages 9-13 yrs old. Maya and I planned a music and dance tour which turned out to be a big hit for the older children. We related music and dance to what our students are listening to today. I think when you can explain artwork in a way that relates to a younger viewer as to what they are currently experiencing in everyday life they appreciate it more, and are over all more interested.
The rest of the day we spent researching for our future tours and also tweeted about the funny things we heard in the museum. The twitter account that Sandy created on June 30th is getting larger and larger every time we look at it. It's pretty exciting... actually so far this whole experience has been pretty exciting; it's gonna be a really sad day when it's all over.
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